FT – Ophir Energy: Dar es gas

Ophir Energy has been fishing for a partner to play alongside it in the alluring waters off east Africa. On Thursday it reeled in a big one. The Africa-focused oil and gas explorer will sell half of its 40 per cent stake in three gasfields offshore Tanzania to Pavilion Energy, a unit of Singapore’s Temasek, for nearly $1.3bn. The news sent Ophir’s shares up 20 per cent initially. Yet they fell back later – perhaps because the deal may be less than it seems. (Read more… http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/3/b7736444-4d3b-11e3-9f40-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2kSwYhx2g)


(English, Article, 2013)

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