FT – Russian groups buy Eni’s stake in Severenergia

Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of Russia’s state gas group, and the country’s largest private gas producer Novatek, have agreed to buy Eni’s stake in a gas producer in Russia’s far north for $2.94bn.

The transaction will increase their joint stake in Severenergia from 51 to just over 80 per cent, escalating a fight with rival state oil group Rosneft over control of the company as competition among the country’s oil and gas groups grows ever more heated. (Read more… http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/ba3f4caa-5200-11e3-8c42-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2l802NPMO)


(English, Article, 2013)

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