FT – Energy reform stirs Mexico’s deepwater opportunities

More than 50 miles after leaving the Mexican port of Veracruz, with nothing on the horizon but the odd fishing boat, the huge red Centenario rig with its imposing metal tower suddenly rises up out of the Gulf of Mexico.

Welcome to the offshore, deepwater Lakach field, which state-owned oil company Pemex believes holds a total of 4tn cubic feet of gas – equivalent to roughly 16 years of gas supply for the UK. In the ancient Maya language, lakach means “everything”, and it illustrates all that there is to play for in Mexico’s energy reform, which plans to allow private investment in the sector for the first time since 1938. (Read more… http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/b18db5c4-55b6-11e3-96f5-00144feabdc0.html?siteedition=intl#axzz2lgXhGWbg)


(English, Article, 2013)

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